Wednesday, March 21, 2007


And speaking of a certain small state in New England, greetings from Vermont, my home for another 12 days, 6 hours, and 45 minutes (not that I'm counting). It continues to be winter here, despite the calendar's insistence that Spring's come; but with the foot and 1/2 of powder we got last weekend I had one last chance to ski out here with Rebekah and enjoyed an abandoned mountain on Saturday, thanks to St. Patrick (and his miraculous serpentine sophistry).

A few of my adventures these past few weeks have been musical in nature, getting ready for a show next weekend. And now for a plug, if you happen to be in Burlington on Sat., March 31st, David Rynhart, Joe Shine, Patrick (whose last name I don't recall) and I, will be playing at the Blue Star. And David's written and arranged a couple of the songs we're doing.

I've also spent some quality time these last few weeks making great new discoveries courtesy of Pandora and my office mate's tolerance for bluegrass, folk, and hip hop. I encourage you all to check out Zap Mama's "Ancestry in Progress" if you like the latter. Check out Dan Reeder's "After Death Update," and Neko Case's "Blacklisted" if you go for the former.

So, don't keep your love so confidential and please let your heart be more influential. Taking that advice, I'm going to return to my shell and continue hibernating until I get to see Ty again.


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