Monday, March 26, 2007

On Snow

Ty here again, still in Gunnison, Colorado, posting some lovely photos taken by my friend Nick Meyer on a recent ski tour. Our friends Kevin and Molly Grove (from Bend, OR) flew in on Friday night and we have been skiing up a storm ever since. Molly and Kevin are long time cardiovascular monsters, and Nick is a cardiovascular monster in training (CMIT?), so I have been having a heck of a time just keeping them in sight on the climbs.

The shots posted below were taken during Sunday's excursion up Mount Emmons, a handsome peak which towers directly above the small resort town of Crested Butte. We skied the big bowl (Red Lady) that is clearly visible from town, and then climbed back up and dropped off the back down some really nice north-facing shots into Redwell basin. It has been really warm here this spring and the snow is going fast, which has turned some of the approaches into muddy walks, but there is still plenty of good skiing to be had. There is so much impressive ski terrain in this area!

This weekend, Kevin and Nick are competing in the Grand Traverse, a wild backcountry ski race from Crested Butte to Aspen, a distance of over 40 miles. The race starts on Friday night at midnight - madness! They are praying for some cooler weather so they can breeze over a firm crust instead of slogging through rotten mush. So think of them as you settle into your comfortable bed on Friday night...

Anyhow, check out this web album for a few more of Nick's great photos of our day on Mt. Emmons:
Crested Butte Skiing

1 comment:

gwynne said...

Ok, so it's already April 7th and I haven't seen any pic's of Rose and Ty in their new digs... or whatever... your audience wants an update!
